A downloadable game
A multiplayer game developed with Unity, featuring lasers, homing missiles, ship-to-ship ramming and more! Win with a high score by hitting players and destroying their ship. Some skills I developed while creating this game solo:
- Using Unity Netcode to synchronize the game state across the host and clients, and Unity Relay to connect players together
- Creating visual effects with materials and shader graphs
- Using Cinemachine to create a camera that emphasizes speed and damage
- Integrating audio in a 3D game
- Of course, programming all the gameplay logic in C#
- etc.
Watch the video to see a full 5 minute game!
- Rotate along all axes: WASDQE; left stick or left stick + right bumper to roll
- Accelerate/Decelerate (there are 3 speeds): shift/ctrl; dpad up/dpad down
- Fire a missile: M; x button
- Fire lasers (hold): Spacebar; right trigger
- Open scoreboard (hold): Tab; start button
Hit a ship while going at a higher speed to destroy them and stay unscathed. Finish a round with the most points to win!
Download 132 MB